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Enhancing Quality Control & Transforming Industry 4.0 with AI & IoT

Industry 4.0 is the next wave in the industrial revolution powered with the digital transformation of manufacturing processes. With the right availability of data points, both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are adding value to create the smart factory based solutions

The AI solution analyzes the IoT data from 110+ IoT devices including engine temperature, pressure, air, cooling sensors and others that are used in the manufacturing process.

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    The business benefits of implementing AI & IoT in manufacturing operations

    • Analyze engine blocks in milliseconds, shortening inspection lead-times
    • Minimizing the engine recall
    • Cuts costs of production, helping drive more profitable operations
    • Strengthening the customers quality team’s reputation for product excellence


    Muddasir Hassan
    Data Scientist
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